The Zambia Mine Action Centre (ZMAC) is a statutory body established by an Act of Parliament No. 16 of 2003. It is supervised by a policy making body called the National Committee on Anti-Personnel Landmines (NCAL) which meets once every quarter. ZMAC is headed by the Director who is assisted by two (2) Assistant Directors responsible for Information and Operations Sections respectively.
The Zambia Mine Action Centre (ZMAC) coordinates all mine action plans and activities in Zambia. The Centre deals with residual contamination in areas that were not properly demined (Humanitarian Demining); Mine Risk Education which is the dissemination of information aimed at reducing the threat of landmines in affected communities; Victim Assistance which is providing Victims of landmines and Explosive Remnants of War (ERWs)with health care and ensuring their thorough integration into society ; Stockpile destruction : Although the Centre is not directly involved in stockpile destruction, it keeps track of the use of the stockpile for training purposes. Advocacy through active involvement in international efforts to encourage States to ratify, accede to, and comply with the international instruments concerning landmines, Cluster Munitions, ERWs and other Conventional Weapons.